我的世界 v1.12蜕变MOD,由“McHorse”制作,神器的超能力一样的MOD,就像魔形女的能力一样,而且更加强,可以变成其他任何的生物,不过需要先获得变种基因,本站提供我的世界蜕变MOD,需要的玩家不要错过哦!
To morph into other creatures, you must to acquire a morph first. To acquire a morph, you have to kill a mob, then a ghost of a mob will appear (that's a morph), and when you'll pick it up, you'll acquire a morph.
Once you have at least one morph, you're able to transform into that morph. Use [ and ] keys for advancing through the list of morphs. There are also ' and \ keys for switching between morph variants (you'll see up and down arrows in the selection box if there are morph variants available). Use enter key for transforming into selected morph. To demorph, you scroll left until you focus character with your skin, and then press enter to demorph. Or you can press demorph key (which is . by default).
You retain your morphs even after death (although you can disable retaining of morphs after death in mod options). In creative mode, you can select almost any available morph via Creative Morph Menu which can be opened by pressing B key in the game.
Survival Morph Menu can also be focused, for managing purposes, by pressing N key (default). There you can favorite, remove and filter morphs by favorites. You use the same keys to navigate morphs ([, ], ' and \).